Hi everyone! Please join my group called Truth Be Told!!!😊😉👍
please join Mission Regroup 2024!
Hello everyone I just joined, I'm hoping this is an active group. Psalm 27 has been a huge comfort to me and now I believe its time to hide it in my heart.
where can I find the JOIN button ? viv
I need prayer today . Please lift me up that I will live my faith in the midst of an attack
Hello! I noticed that one of the group members has 27 verses current. I was wondering how that was done with Psalm 27 having only 14 verses. Is there an option to add other Psalms or verses within this group setting? thanks for any feedback in advance,
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
join my group named JOINusANYone
going to begin memorizing Psalm 27 today. anyone else beginning memorization of this beautiful Psalm?
what a comforting scripture...no fear
I am new to making memorization of Scripture a daily discipline in my life, and boy have I been blessed. we are like sponges, and I so want to absorb God's truth into my heart and mind. His Word is LIFE GIVING and LIFE CHANGING! Keep it up everyone!!
I was able to change it to KJV
I want to memorize in KJV
can someone help me to join this group and also how Sonu change from ESV to KJV for psalm 27
hello brothers this is my first time here
URGENT!! I seriously have to WARN YOU!! The KJV BIBLE has been CHANGED! (Look up the #MandelaEffect) The Lords Prayer in the KJV is not correct anymore in the KJV (how we remember "tresspasses" changed to "debts" and "those who tresspass against us" changed to "our debtors" and "ON earth" in Mt6,10 changed to "IN earth" - look it up!!!) and John8:32 has changed, as well as Isaiah11,6 changed from "Lion and Lamb will live together" to "Wolve(s) and lamb will live together"
Check out the Mandela-Effect-Wiki for more Information! http://mandela-effect-wiki.tk
See here the page concerning changes in Bible-Translations: http://mandela-effect.bplaced.net/doku.php?id=changes_in_bible-translations_overview
PS: i'm not joking, i'm totally serious!
PPS: even wikipedia censors this topic... (see discussion on startpage in the wiki)
So much to chew on: Jesus is my light, salvation and stronghold. What a comfort and help.
Where do I find the join button. All I see is Invite Others and Remove Me.
Hi, Redeemed1, yes, of course you may use a different translation! You will have to remove the group from your account and join again. When you select Psalm 27 to import the verses, simply change translations from the Choose Translation drop-down menu. Thanks for memorizing with us!
Hi, Shameeka, we should have all of Psalm 27 memorized by May 7. Our weekly schedule is posted above this message wall. We will also be sending out weekly reminders in our email newsletter and on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks for memorizing with us!
Hi, Bonnie, just click on the join button to join again. We're glad to have you!
I kind of like the NIV version. Is it ok to switch versions if I'm in the group?
finished today's review! Bonnie, just catch up!
My light! God my light! I see You ahead of me! My light! My light!
sellingout2jesus I will be praying for you! Remember, He goes before you and will uphold you with his right hand!
Removed myself from this group since I had not started correctly. How do I become a part of this group again. Thanks.
Trusting in my Jesus as I walk through one of the darkest valleys in my life. I've seen fear, and rebuked it. But it is an ever threatening stumbling block. Praying that God will help me hide these passages in my heart to remember to always, always, ALWAYS, trust in him and not fear.
God's presence eliminates darkness.
Memorized first 2 verse...with God on our side who should I fear
looks like this just the group I need to join