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ima try to get Vah Ruta today
he never got hit once by Waterblight ganon
lol i saw someone defeat it with 4 hearts too and no extra stamina
bro is trying to defeat the divine beast with 4 hearts!!!
Nothing sounds nice about that.
i also got killed 4 times by the same electric keese
i got to Zora's Domain, got the Zora armor, and swam up the waterfall to the INSANE beast that lives at the top of the mountain that shoots you with infinite shock arrows
No you’re not an idiot, idiot.
LOL.....get exposed you.......
dude I thought you lost playing botw until the end of march
Mario she was just clarifying of you meant her
@Mario ur good it takes wayyy more than that to hurt my feelings 😂
sry if that hurt ur feelings
nooo i did not mean to actually call anyone an idiot
I accepted that long ago Angel😂😑
Did u just call me an idiot?
(for those who are idiots, Zora's Domain is the main quest involving the Divine Beast Van Rutah)
i got halfway to Zora's Domain
bro...i didnt even say what they were.....they could have been me yelling CHEESE or somthin.......chill
I will not be wondering what those word were 😐
there were alot of words used in the first 2 mins after he killed me for the first time lol
lol says the unenlightened one
all im going to say was i didnt use the word annoying.......when i described ThunderBlight Ganon
I’ve never played but rly want to
he said thunderblight ganon was very annoying
my brother got the camel yesterday
when's the last time u played?
Lol I mean I used to play it and I beat it when I was 8
used to beat it when I was 8
mario, i meant that i was alone too
was it hard for him to get?
(me and my brother helped him figure them out)
he was working on getting all the shrines and did 5 of them
he has the whole map and all the divine beasts
also, my dad played for the first time in 7 years
so BTS, my brother played BTW yesterday and got the Elephant divine beast
ok lets talk about something actually relevant
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