John 11:35 Jesus Wept [Herold of light The Bible Brigade]
Hello everyone!! join ...KINGDOM COME... This group has the whole Bible in it! And it is a very active Group!! I hope to see you there π
For those who are serious minded in memorizing the Word, join my group, "Gird up your mind!" Thanks!!
hey, Aimswell, how many verses have you memorized on Scripture Typer.
My favorite collection in the group "Whosoever Will" is "Jump Start: John". It was very inspiring compiling it, and it is very encouraging and faith building to memorize and review it. There are so many instances where Jesus talks with His father, and when He says that He is God, and people are believing in Him and worshiping Him. I invite you to try it.
Please join MemorizeGod'sWordTogether, it is a very encouraging and active group. Thanks for the consideration!
I would love to join this group if I can easily change all the verses to new American Standard version.
please join my group named love β€οΈ
Please join my group called Creation! And invite others!!!!!!!!
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
For inspiration and a challenge, try the group Whosoever Will - a group with many collections. Thanks.
I seriously have to WARN YOU!! The KJV BIBLE has been CHANGED! (Look up the #MandelaEffect) The Lords Prayer in the KJV is not correct anymore in the KJV (how we remember "tresspasses" changed to "debts" and "those who tresspass against us" changed to "our debtors" and "ON earth" in Mt6,10 changed to "IN earth" - look it up!!!) and John8:32 has changed, as well as Isaiah11,6 changed from "Lion and Lamb will live together" to "Wolve(s) and lamb will live together" Check out the Mandela-Effect-Wiki for more Information! PS: i'm not joking, i'm totally serious!
All of James set to song in KJV if anyone likes to learn that way:
Fascinating observation safords ford!
I love when other people draw my attention to scriptural parallels like that... thanks for being attentive to His word!
P.S. I know what you mean about stubborn verses... 1:21-22 for some reason is not fond of closely associating with the text in my brain; I can't think of much to suggest that you probably haven't heard before - Practice Makes Permenant!
Just an interesting idea that I hadn't thought of before regarding the book of James, it occurred to my husband that the book of James parallels the first 3 kings of Israel. Saul was the double minded man, unstable in all his ways. David was drawn away of his own lust and enticed... the seed in his mind grew and gave birth to sin. Solomon was the man that asked God for His wisdom and it was given to him liberally.... There's probably more. Maybe those will be memory hooks that will help someone memorize a little easier. I'm almost done. I finished chapter 5 but I have four stubborn verses in chapter 4 that just won't stick :-) Anyone else have that trouble?
there was a bug that was causing havoc, but it was repaired Saturday night. Works great again.
Nope, Beth, that couldn't have been it, either, because even the first letter was red. But in any case, the problems seems to have been resolved. PTL!
Try checking your Typing Options (at the top right of the typing page) it sounds like you may have somehow gotten switched to first letter only? I had that problem too and thought that Scripture Typer was ruined, but Brett told me to switch to Type Everything and I was good to go again. :)
I have tried the Mac, the Dell, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome.... I cannot get scripture typer to work at all. Anybody have a clue?
Also having that problem, Rachel. Was working fine and then suddenly it doesn't work anymore.
Help!!! Scripture Typer has a bug and won't let me review any of my verses. =\ When I click "Master It," the typing speedometer is hidden, and whatever I type into the typing box is red, even though it's perfectly correct.
Glad it worked, Sarah and mom2five :)
Sara, I had the same problem. Thanks for the solution!
Thanks, Sara! It worked. :-)
Hi Sarah, Try deleting the whole section for James 5 and then re-importing just chapter 5. But that could put the section back into chapter 4 that did not belong there, if it was showing up there in the first place. But it doesn't hurt to try :)
I noticed that under chapter 4, James 5:7-9 was listed in my collection, so I deleted it. Appearently it deleted the same passage listed under James 5, so I no longer have those verses in my collection. I've been looking for a way to re-import them, but I'm not finding it. Any suggestions? Thanks!
@ Chad: It doesn't always have to do with using a different version. It's if you have the same passages, but split up differently. For instance, if I had memorized two passages, like, James 2:1-5 and James 2:1-4, that would count as nine verses memorized in stead of only five.
@Chad, I had this same type of thing happen with my Acts verses in the Acts group. Check to see if you have double verse collections. For example, with my Acts verses, I had tried a certain method of editing them to put them in a different version, which worked to change the version, but then I had double verses. That section still showed up under my "Acts: the Revolution" verses, but then the same section also showed up under my other memory verses that were not a part of that group. Then when I memorized/reviewed those verses, for some reason they counted double (like it would say 4 verses memorized, instead of the 2 that it should have said). Not sure why that happened that way, but then when I tried to delete the Acts sections that were under my own Memory verses, it deleted them also from under the Acts section. I won't go into that problem, but does this make sense? Also, what do you mean when you say the website/app is buggy?
How could I possibly have more verses than are in the book of James? This website and app is so buggy I can't say I'm much astonished. Has anyone had this problem before? I wonder if it due to the fact that I had memorized James in NKJV before this.
Thanks, Kerrilyn, that book looks great! I'm in the process of reading it and I plan to use the methods he suggests. After all, someone who has memorized the whole Bible successfully obviously has some great methods! Thanks again!
@sara Thanks! That helps.
@Cressa, I'm praying! Let us know how things turn out!
Sara we used to live between Milwaukee and Madison in a small town called Eagle. We do have a showing right NOW on our house! Pray that these are the ones!
Morning fellow memorisers. Like you all I want to memorise this book and retain it. In my hunt for the best way to approach this I came across this book written nearly 100 years ago by a man who actually memorised the whole is very comprehensive, though not long, and I am sure you will all gain someting from it. You can view it free here Press onward toward the goal. :)
@Evan, it has to do with typing verses out in the type-it mode. That is the only place where your wpm is calculated/averaged. My wpm shows up at like 26 I think, but I really average around 50. I hardly ever use type-it mode, but when I did I made sure I typed really slow because you have to type all the master its within a certain percentage of your wpm for it to "count" as memorized or reviewed. Also if you use the app or the feature of only typing the first letter on the website, I don't think it shows wpm. Hope this helps :)
On my stats bar, my all of the wpm are set at 0. Yet on some peoples' profiles I see other numbers. How are the wpm stats determined?
@ Katie, did you type those verses out in master mode? There has been a change and you have to type the verse in master it before it is marked as memorized, but once you do that you can review it in memorize it mode. The only other thing I can think of is to make sure all your verses are up-to-date (current). @Cressa, to have your memorization of James tracked with the group, you will need to select the verse collections for James from this group in your preferred version. Then you will do everything else as you normally would to memorize a verse from you own collections. PS, I saw your prayer request for a house in WI to sell and I was wondering where in WI? (I live in WI :)
Is any one else on here having problems with Scripture Typer keeping track of what verses you've memorized? I have correctly entered about seven verses more than what is shown on the "Verses Current" part of the statistics bar for my profile, and I'm not sure if it's a problem with Scripture Typer or with my internet. Any suggestions?
How does my memorization of James get tracked here as part of the group?
@Tiana, I couldn't resist experimenting (maybe it's just the future scientist in me...) to see if it would even let you add a friend if you are not logged in, so I logged out and "requested" you to be my friend. Apparently ST must let a logged out person add friends, so now if you have an email with a friend request from no one, you will know who sent it (and to just ignore it.) :) Did it actually go through to you?
omeone wasn't signed in when they requested people to be their friend and so the request isn't technically from them. And thats why there was no name showing up. people need to make sure they are signed in first. then they can add people.
@Sara: By the way I also got a strange friendship request and declined it myself. Not sure what its all about!! =/
Haha, that's what I found out just after I posted that. I guess I was so much into it I forgot. :)
I'm afraid that there are only 5 chapters in the book of James :)
May someone please tell me how to add chapter 6 KJV? :)
@ Tiana, I know you did. You apparently requested 2x! I just didn't check email until now :) And yours said "Tiana O." so I knew who that was.
@ Evan, that's strange. I "declined", since I don't know who (or what) it came from.
@Sara: I added you yesterday!
@sara I got one of those too... when I went to my friend requests, it didn't show the mystery person. I'm wondering if it was a system blip, or some kind of bot...
Has anyone on here besides Evan recently added me as a friend? I got a friendship request yesterday, but there was no name; it just said " has requested to be your friend on Scripture Typer". I have no idea who that is or if I should accept or decline. :)
Hey guys! Here's a Scripture memory song I did for James 2:8 for the NASB. Enjoy and God bless!
@Sara, you are correct! We've been making some major updates to Scripture Typer this week. The importer is now much better at removing section headings. Blessings! -Brett
@David, when I select the verses with the new system update, directly choosing the translation when I add the collection, it appears that the headings are gone. (I checked with ESV) But when I did the auto input thing with NKJV the other day, all the headings were still there. So either something has been changed with how the verses are showing up (headings are gone now) or you just need to choose the translation right here when you add the collection. Hope that helps.
Is there a way for us to work collectively to deal with the headings? I don't know whether it's an issue with other versions as well, but I know the ESV auto input includes all the section headings that aren't actually part of the text - it'd seem a shame for each of us to weed through and edit them out if there was a way to share it!
FYI there's a new translation selector on the flyout where you select your collections. You can also now type sequential verses as one long passage for review. Just click on any collection with sequential verses and look for the "Review All Verses Combined Together" link at the bottom of the pop-up. Please note, the link only appears after you've memorized the first two sequential verses in a collection. Happy Memorizing!
You can edit the verses yourself by just clicking the edit button when you see them in "My Verses" you can also change the version there to whatever you prefer and import that to save SeΓ‘n all this work! Thanks SeΓ‘n!
@ Chica, Will fix it for you. :)
@ Val, great idea! Will add that. :)
Would it be possible to add James after Revelation on the calendar (in addition to where it is now), seeing as Revelation finishes in September? I'd like to try both, but not at the same time. I think there would be just enough time to finish James from Sept to Dec. Thanks!
Update on the additional translations: Hold tight for a few days, a system update is in the works that will allow us access to all the translations from within one collection. :)
@Sara, of course I remember you! :) And you never know, I have smatterings of John memorized in the original Greek. :)
@SeΓ‘n Sorry, I just couldn't resist adding that ;) Do you remember me?
Hi all! ESV and NASB coming up.
@Sara, haha! Ok, working on it. :)
@Christella, there is a schedule, it's on the "MEMORIZE" tab at Also, if you subscribed to the ACTS schedule, (like added it to your iCal or something) the new schedule will appear on your device, because the calendar address is the same. The calendar has been renamed, and now contains the ACTS memorization schedule last year, and James and Revelation this year. Starts Feb 1, some folks are getting themselves a head start. :)
And while you're at it, SeΓ‘n, you might as well add the Greek and Latin versions, too, for anyone who might want those. :)
So... is there a schedule for this and the Revelation challenge or do we just do it in our way and time?
Hey bro can you please add the NASB too??
Hi Chica! I'll add NKJV for you today. :)