Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
Hi everyone! Please join my group called Truth Be Told!!!😊😉👍
everyone join Bible Bee 2023 Believe. It currently has Junior verses for 2023 Summer study. I will add cross ref. and some of the other verses as they become available to me.
I'm sorry for your loss.. He's in heaven..
may you please pray for me I lost my brother please
Yet.* You are not 32 yet... (that is, if you are younger than 32)
Anyways, if you have any other questions about Bible Quizzing, I will be happy to answer😁
It can get pretty competitive sometimes, especially in the pro division. When you first join Bible Quizzing, you are put in the novice division. After each quiz (not the quiz practice) you can either stay in your position, or move up and down. There are three divisions: novice, intermediate, and pro. You could be the youngest person there and still be in the pro division, it doesn't matter your age for what division you're in.
Bible Quizzing is different than the Bible Bee. We do quizzing physically at a different church every month. We also memorize different verses in each chapter or the whole thing, but we don't have to memorize to do quizzing. One day of each week, those from my church and I study one chapter of and have a quiz practice at our church. We sit on these "quiz seats" (not a whole chair, just something we set on the seat of the chair that we sit on) that have sensors to see who jumps off of their seat first. Then, the person who jumps up first(, with the help of the quiz seat,) gets to answer the question that was asked by the quizmaster. If a quizzer jumps up before the question is finished, that quizzed needs to finish the question that was partially said, and give the answer. Or if the quizzer does not answer it correctly, ( or does not give enough info when finishing the question and giving the answer) the question is given to the quizzer on the other team a chance to answer.
I can't do the Bible Bee though, I'm just curious.
@girl4JESUS. Sry I've been slow to respond😅 things sometimes get a little busy. Wow! 8,000 kids?! Does it go just from ages 11 to 14? Is it just quoting long passages in scripture?
it’s literally been about half a month and still no reply?
that’s like saying you don’t have anything to talk about
the double a was an accident
I've memorized a a 27 verses chapter 🙂
I've memorized a 29 verses chapter 😏
If you are in the age group 11-14 you are in the Juniors
If you don't want to take the test, just do the journal
It’s sounds really fun but I can’t do it. 😔 sorry
All you have to do is register on and order your journal. The journal is an 8 week study and in August you can take a test if you want to try and qualify for nationals. If you qualify, you go some where (this year it's in Kentucky) wear you have a chance to win some thousand dollars.
if so, Probably not. sorry. not unless it’s on this app.
do I have to show up somewhere? or get online on a website or something?
and you don't have to take the test if you don't want to.
There's passages like Acts 11:1-18
@JJ, you could join next year
And there are 8,000 kids doing the Bible Bee this year
the "N d" was an accident
Our studying starts in June and ends around the end of July. in August we take a test if we want to qualify for nationals. If you qualify, you memorize longer passages, and you study other things. Right before nationals you take another test and that will determine whether you make it into semi finals(I think). At nationals, you do something where you have to quote 12 passages in eight minutes as perfect as you can.Also if you win, you get a trophy an N d some money
@One of you who are in the Bible Bee...
This is basically what the version of Bible Quizzing is that I do.... A different book of the Bible is picked every year (during the school year) and we study it with our church. Sometime around the start of each month of the Quizzing year, we gather together with our district to quiz. There are a few different types of questions, and twenty questions each round. We can also challenge and appeal questions, pre jump questions, memorize the memory verses or the whole book, test what we know and let the verses stick through competition, earn awards, and write some of our own questions.
It is really fun and I have been quizzing for several years and more to come😁
How different is the Bible Bee from Bible Quizzing?
I have never done the Bible Bee before, but I've done Bible Quizzing and qualified for Regionals one year.
🤦🏼♂️that’s the most random thing 😆
Maybe I'm dramatizing it too much?
I downloaded it and I've experienced horror..
'cause I could not get it turn the right way
also, why is your profile pic sideways?
My family has a group we attend. On our way home, my mom spotted some weird looking clouds. When we got home, my dad told us that our neighbor spotted a funnel. But it want away.
yes. Hello, last night, we had a storm roll in. eventually, things got really windy and my mom told me they spotted a funnel cloud in the distance which would eventually turn into a tornado. Everyone went into panic mode and were putting chairs into cars and that stuff. we went into the cabin and mom told me it went away but there was a severe thunderstorm coming still. somehow the front of the storm came over us and nothing happened. But when we went t o bed, There was lightning. I woke in the middle of t he night and it was so reckless that my Little brother started crying and went to mom. I fell asleep and when I woke, Everything was over. thanks for everyone’s prayers for this camping trip because without them, things could have gotten so much worse. thanks all 😌
I'm guessing so bc the flags
@Ali#cute: Lol.. Yeah, when I first joined Bible Memory, people kept on asking me why was posting at 3am 🤣
that just go’s to show that no teen on my street cared about the virus.
Dude, it was so funny when they said to put on masks. then all the teens on my street huddled into a big group and talked all day right next to each other wail walking down the road.
your time is different than my time....when I got your message, it was 4:29 am
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