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Theological Discussions

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20 Members
692  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
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~This is where we discuss/debate specific parts of the Bible, or your opinions on other things!


~If you want to join in on the conversation, please be RESPECTFUL and KIND with your words.


~Please realize that what you say will most likely not change the person's mind.


~Please make only one or two posts at a time so that you give the other person time to respond.


~Also please ask one question at a time for ease, and so the other person can answer the question better.


~And remember to attack the argument, NOT the person.


~Thanks and God bless! 🙏


~Please join the overflow debate group:


~And please also join my other group, Friendly Chats:


From now on 🤦‍♂️ & 🙄 emojis are not allowed during the debates. Also saying *facepalm*, *smh*, *rme*, *roll my eyes* , or anything like these are not allowed either. If you break the rule, your post may be deleted.

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