Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
A few minutes ago, I reviewed Psalm 23, Psalm 117, and parts of Psalm 27 and Proverbs 31, and a variety of verses from Romans. Please share with us what you have reviewed today. 🙂
Thank you Lydia. @Bengali, you are welcome to join The Truth of Jesus. It is a private group for adventists.
l managed to keep the group public....@everyone can now join thankfully@marylin
You are invited to the Daniel's lot loudcryBible memorization group:
How are you today Marylin
am sorry about the phone and the tablet issue but am glad you didn't feel disappointed and discouraged and you were able to overcome the situation.
l have joined the group THE TRUTH OF JESUS and am glad to be there too.
Satan has really tried to oppress me today. It started early on when I wanted to have a zoom meeting. Both my phone and tablet would not work, but I was able to have the meeting and met two lovely SDA missionaries from Kenya. Then after I finished the zoom meeting on my computer, my phone really acted up. So I called a customer service rep with my carrier. The first one sent me to a second. We worked a long time on the phone and he came to the conclusion that my phone is broken. I did not feel that was the case, but feel that it was more likely demonic oppression. My husband and I just prayed (twice), and the problem has cleared up. But please keep me in your prayers as this is not over. Nevertheless I did not get discouraged. One more thing... It has taken me over a half hour to write this one post with proper punctuation and spelling. It was continually jumping around and placing the wrong information. That is how bad the oppression has been just now!
Lydia, please let me know when you have joined it. Also, it was nice meeting with you and your husband! So sorry our visit had to end like it does on ZOOM. Haha! I will tell you more of my story when we meet again.
Lydia, before you go... Please join my group called THE TRUTH OF JESUS. It is a private group of SDAs, but I will make it public until you join it.
Thanks for the meeting .
may God bless you.looking forward for the next meeting.
Marilyn is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Final Events SDA Meeting Time: Mar 9, 2025 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting ID: 904 712 1102 Passcode: B7S6tC
My Meeting ID is 9047121102. The Passcode is B7S6tC. Hope to see you on ZOOM soon! I am waiting...
@Lydia: Okay, I got into Zoom on my computer. If you are really interested in doing a Zoom meeting today with me, text me back that you will be there at 2 pm. Then I will send you a link on here. @Anyone else is welcome as well! Remember that we will not be debating, but discussing Seventh-day Adventist doctrine and end-time topics. Do not share personal information more than your first names, nor disclose exactly where you live. Either your state or country is acceptable.
Bringing up Zoom worked just fine earlier, but it will not work properly on either my phone or tablet at this time. And I have been working on getting back into Zoom for an hour! I will try getting into it on my computer. Please post a message on here if you are interested in joining a Zoom meeting at 2 pm PST. I will try again at that time.
The devil does not want this Zoom meeting to happen. So everyone please pray that the will of God will be done. I will push everything that I have said out 30 minutes. I will post the link as soon as I have it.
My time is limited, so if anyone wants to meet with me in a Zoom meeting, I will be posting the link on here in approximately 30 minutes. If no one comes by 12:15 p.m., I will cancel the Zoom meeting. Thank you for understanding.
I will be doing a Zoom meeting in less than 4 hours from now. I will post the link on here about a half hour before that time. Daylight savings takes place today, so it is now 8:15 a.m. in the Northwest where I live.
@Lydia: Okay, tomorrow at 12 noon my time. It will be daylight savings for us tomorrow, so our time will leap forward by one hour. I will give everyone a heads up about a half hour before noon.
@marylin : 12pm or 2pm in the afternoon at your place ...will that be ok with you
🌻 Happy Sabbath friends! Hope you have a blessed one. 🙏🌷
@Lydia: To find out on your phone if your group is PRIVATE or PUBLIC, when on your GROUP page, tap the 3 ellipsis marks on the top RIGHT, choose EDIT GROUP, and uncheck the MAKE PRIVATE box to open it up for all of us to see.
@Lydia: Your clock puts you eleven hours ahead of us. I cannot do the afternoon your time because it would be the middle of the night here. We would be sleeping.
@Lydia: Your group is still not showing up. Consider what I said on March 6th at 7:35 pm. Check to see if it is PRIVATE or PUBLIC.
@Lydia: What time in the afternoon were you thinking of?
@Marylin ...l am not familiar with George but its good you testify that he did a good job .we are also Evangelist here in kenya proclaiming the third angel message to everyone.
The group is capitalised
search it this way ;👇👇👇
You are invited to the DANIEL'S LOT LOUDCRY Bible memorization group:
maybe we can try sunday afternoons that will be ok .will that be ok with you ?
Sunday mornings would be a good time for me (for now), Lydia. Let me know if that would work for you.
@Lydia: I just looked this up on Google: If it is 9 am PST where I live (Washington state, USA) then it is 8 pm in Nairobi, Kenya. We could plan to do a Zoom gettogether with whoever wants to join. Please name a day and time and I will see if my schedule will work. The meeting must remain a friendly gathering about SDA topics without conflict regarding the differences of other beliefs. Those become arguments way too often. But if someone truly wants to understand what and why we believe in the SDA doctrine (and not debate), you will be welcome.
Lydia, I cannot find your group. Either it is characterized as PRIVATE or it has not been entered into the system yet.
@Lydia: By the way, I had a good friend from Kenya named George Merongo Morara. He died a couple of years ago. He was a laymen who preached to prisoners, and gave them literature and GodPods.
kindly join my Group you can search it is .... Daniel's lot loudcry.
l will appreciate if you all do .All are welcome to discuss on the foundational messages of the SDA since 1844.
That will include the three angel's message that was preached by William Miller.
Thankyou for the verse in Isaiah.very encouraging.
Currently am in kenya , Nairobi that is central of Kenya.
I have been looking at a few Old Testament promises this morning. I really appreciate how much our great God cares for us. If I had to choose one favorite promise from Isaiah chapter 40, it would be verse 31. "But they that way upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
@Lydia: It would help if you would tell me what country you are in, and what part: western, central, etc. I cannot figure out the time difference for a Zoom meeting or a call on Whatsapp otherwise. I do not want to try to connect with you in the middle of the night, for you or me.
@Ellie: As far as the Sabbath goes, I will say the same thing as below. I have shared extensive information about the Sabbath on this Message Wall. Go back several months and you will find discussions diveded up in PARTS 1, 2 and so on. But I will share another link with you: When you have investigated those links, you can safely come back here and we can discuss these topics.
@Ellie: I do not often get into those discussions anymore because people tend to argue on this Message Wall because their beliefs conflict with ours. That is why I direct people to the Group Description or Guidelines area. Other places you can investigate answers to your question about HELL are: and Investigate those two sources, then come back here. :^)
“As Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire” (Jude 1:7). Sodom and Gomorrah were examples of eternal fire and they were burned completely up and are not still burning today.
Lydia, I sent you an invite to Whatsapp. If you do not connect with me soon on there, I will remove the app. I did not know that it would control my regular Messaging App and cause it to not act normally. This is not your fault; this is just what some apps do. That is one reason why I do not sign up for everything out there. :^)
and can u explain why you worship on saturdays?
so @marilyn u believe that people in hell will NOT suffer forever?
@marylin my time zone is GMT +3
I will say to Ellie and all who wonder, that we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Savior and Friend, that He is part of the Godhead, that He showed that He loves us very much by being willing to die a cruel death on the cross (in our stead), and that He is coming back very soon to rescue us OFF of this dying planet, to take us to Heaven to live with Him. And, we believe that He is not a cruel dictator that will leave humans to suffer in Hell eternally. Yes, it is a final judgment that is eternal and cannot be undone (they will be brought to ashes, burned up), but sin will never be allowed to rise up again.
Hi Ellie: Welcome! So I do not have to repeat myself, I have written a lot of that information under the Group Description area. Take some time in an afternoon and read it. You can also read comments under PARTS 1, 2, and so on in this Message Wall area. Another place you can check out information about SDA beliefs is, a website dedicated to telling the world about us. Thank you for inquiring. :^)
hello I’m just curious to know what SDAs believe bc that’s not smthn I know a lot abt thx
@Everyone: I also have rethought how I am going to use my Bible Memory page from here on out. I have almost 5500 verses learned, which became a big burden. So I made the drastic decision to turn off the Maximum Review Time to Do Not Review. This can be found on Your phone under SETTINGS, then Preferences, then Max Review Time (at the bottom). After I did that, I experienced a little regret for my decision, because all of my progress disappeared. But that dissipated, and then I changed it back to Review Annually. Even though I have to go through every verse manually to reinstate them (I will not do all), I only have to Type It and Memorize It. I do not have to Master It again. Going back over them again at my own pace will be better than being driven by the stress trying to keep up.
@Everyone: I went away with friends to a week long seminar by Barbara O'Neill in Idaho. She is a wonderful speaker who uses common sense and simple methods to treat common and severe health ailments with great success. I bought 3 of her books and am amazed at the wisdom this lady expounds. I am already starting to implement her strategies to help my husband with his health needs (he has several). He is willing although a little apprehensive, knowing that I will suggest things he is not fully onboard with. But I am concerned about his health and the number of pills he takes daily. So please pray for him.
Lydia, I do not have WhatsApp, but I will look into it. I deleted your number because I do not want JJ to contact you. He is a deceitful troublemaker, and somehow gets back on even after he has been banned. We can also Zoom. Just tell me what your timezone is.
@JJ IBe not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.Heb 13 :2
Think of this ......but dont think am an angel.
hii can reach you we have the zoom discussion plan?
@RER: Everything worked well today! I was on my phone and realized that I may have just forgotten how to do it. So all of Isaiah has been added. May God bless you in your PBE program. 😃
@RER: I have tried to add the missing chapters of Isaiah, and it is just not working well today. I will take some time again tomorrow. This process used to work so smoothly. Am not sure what is going on with the algorhythm. :^/
@RER: I tried to add two chapters from Isaiah while on my phone. The algorithm would not let me. I will try again a little bit later when I am on my computer.
@Lydia: Pacific Standard time is from Washington State in the Northwest USA. @RER: The reason not all the books are in there is that it slowed down so badly that the site did not work well. But I will add all of Isaiah and see how things go. Thank you all for your participation. 🖐😊❤
Message to Admins: why isn’t the whole book of Isaiah in here? Will you please add it? We need it for PBE 2026.
Hii everyone....hope your doing well with the memorization anyone ever heard of William miller rules....
which state do we take the time from a bit confused kindly expound
You are invited to the DANIEL'S LOT LOUDCRY Bible memorization group:
l will confirm about time then I'll let you know ...Blessed sabbath to all.
Happy Sabbath to all ....generally we will be discussing about the foundational messages of sda alongside with the prophetic timeline if that that is ok with you let me know and also you can add anything you will like to discuss .
May God bless us all .
I am out of town today, but maybe we can meet on a short Zoom meeting on Sunday or Monday around 2 pm Pacific Standard Time. If that will not work for you, please let me know when would be a better time to meet for you. Also please remember not to give out any personal information about yourself that would help a Predator to locate where you are. I share information about meetings I go to, but only after they occur.
A Zoom meeting sounds like a good idea. Just keep in mind that several come on here merely to argue doctrine and not learn the Seventh-day Adventist messages about health, the Sabbath, the state of the dead, and so on. We must establish an understanding that we will not come there to argue about differences in beliefs.
Happy sabbath everyone....may God bless us all
l had a request that we should have zoom meetings or Google meeting we discuss more of our foundations messages of the sda who is in for the idea?
Hello Marilyn hope you are going on well ..,..thanks for the share on the medical encouragement on we should ise more of herbs rather than pharmaceutical drugs .God bless .l think we should also share which kind of natural remedies do we use in our household...please share your thoughts everyone.
hi too Bengali ..,do you have a YouTube channel that we can follow or what your view on Godhead because many confuse woth trinity.
hello everyone, would y’all please pray for one of my friends, she is in a coma. thank you in advance.
Would you like a little chuckle? I needed a small indoor watering can with a multiple sprinkler top. I bought a new gardening kit (included small gloves, a fork and a spade) for a child with the perfect can that I needed. $10.00. I ended up going to a birthday party for a 3-year-old on Saturday night, and gave it to him. The next day (Sunday) my husband and I visited a Goodwill store, and I looked for a small watering can. I had a short conversation with a woman, and she said she would help me look for one. We were both praying. On the next aisle over, I found 2 of the same kind of childish water cans. I had to go back and tell her about it, and gave her a Glow track about the 2nd coming of Jesus. Jesus loves to bless us with our little requests as well as the big, and I was able to witness for Him in the process. Our Almighty God is not too big to hear our little prayers.
Everybody, good news about our Buick. We paid for a warranty for repairs when we bought it (second-hand), and the warranty will fully cover a new transmission. Praise God! And, our furnace is back to normal and running fine. The days and nights are not so cold here, but we have managed to stay warm with space heaters for almost a couple months. I know that these are minor issues compared to what many of you are experiencing. Let us know what to pray for on your behalf. God hears every sincere prayer.
@Lydia Juma: Welcome! I copied that link for Daniels Lot Loud Cry and will listen to it once I get to my destination on my upcoming trip. Thank you for sharing it. :^)
Hello Bengali, how are you today? Sabbath was very special in that I got to hear Dr Walt Cross speak in person. He is a medical missionary from Tennessee. He had a lot of good info for restoring our health in these last days. I hope people will learn to use natural remedies rather than drugs. Someday soon pharmaceutical drugs will not be available to them and their health will deteriorate without this knowledge of useful herbs, etc.
hi Lydia. The church has been described as development aiming for the church triumphant. At you can easily find my study on the Godhead issue that you seem interested. Let me know what you think
Anyone who knows the difference between 1872 fundamental principles and the current beliefs sda do have today
you can also subscribe to the YouTube channel for more seventh day Adventist sermon ....kindly search for DANIEL'S LOT LOUDCRY if you are interested. watch this on youtube liberty of conscience threated
We got our furness repaired today to the tune of $160. I think our friend (we have known him for years) gave us a break. That was nice. And a good thing because our main car broke down; something we cannot afford to repair. So we have it, an SUV that cannot go over 45 mph (a major timing issue), and a gas-guzzling 1-ton duelly truck. Vehicles can be a burden. Anyway, how I look at it is more opportunities to pray, and the devil is working overtime trying to discourage us, so we must be doing something right. Ha! Well, happy Sabbath everyone! God bless!
I hope everyone is having a good day! It is the Preparation Day for the Sabbath. It is a busy one for me (and Sunday and Monday) because I still need to prepare food and a salad (chili for my hubby and son), start some kind of seed plan for our garden (cannot wait on that as the clock is ticking), write if and when I get the chance, and prepare plant care directions for my husband while I am gone for a week long trip (which I will also have to pack for). Tomorrow (the Sabbath) we are going to a nearby health seminar for the day. I so much prefer being busy than having nothing to do and no goal in sight! :^)
All challenge titles have been updated. If you fell behind, do not lose heart. Just keep memorizing and you will soon catch up. You are doing great and growing in Christ!
Here are a few of the review verses I just finished before bed: Romans 12:17-21 - Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
@JJ: I do not apologize for giving the straight testimony of what is coming upon the Earth, and for trying to wake up the sleeping saints. It is a strong message, as the loud cry will not always be comfortable to hear. But I am glad that you like to visit with us on here. I want to remind you that I will not leave up personal attacks against me nor comments that conflict with the scriptures, or a "thus saith the Lord." I have put much of our SDA doctrine in the Group Description area (Guidelines) and also within this Message Wall. For any further explanations, go to Amazing
@JJ: You said you apologized, but you have never apologized directly to me for the trouble you continuously caused me throughout the Bible Memory groups. But that is not as important to me as you recognizing that your cheating tactics were sinful practices, and that you were leading others into sin. When you can admit that they were sinful, then I will believe that your repentance is sincere. Being sorry for being caught is not true repentance for sin. That was the situation of Judas. He was not repentant, only sorry that his intentions to force Jesus to take the throne did not work out. Will you be like him?
@JJ: I will try to give you an answer that you can understand. First of all, I apologize for not applying the fruits of the Spirit like love, longsuffering, gentleness and meekness when you and your followers would come on here to attack my faith. I did not learn habits of kindness growing up, and am grateful that my experience on Bible Memory has helped me learn more about Jesus. Even going through this difficult time with you has taught me to be kind in the face of hardship.
@Everyone: I removed the comments from JJ because he was banned from this group and has not been invited back. He comes only to fight against our beliefs, and draws others whose only purpose of coming on here is to debate.
Thanks for explaining yourself, Kitty Lover. And to everybody.. A new group has show up near the top of the Leaderboard on our computers. It is called DMTC Scripture Memory. Does anyone know what those letters stand for?
And here is one last thing to say. If you are not going to be respectful, then don't say anything. If what you are saying is not like Jesus, don't do it.
I'm saying this because I have noticed this issue in many groups. People just arguing and attacking others is what turns it into war zones. We should be like Jesus. I am reading Steps to Christ for my Bible Class. It says that even when Jesus rebuked the Pharisees he did so with love, saying that he wanted them to be saved. Jesus did it with love, and so should we. Paul rebuked Peter, but he didn't attack Peter. He instead told Peter that his behavior was wrong and encouraged him. We should do the same thing.
And I don't want this place to be a war zone either, which is why I wrote this.
I didn't see your comment Marilyn. Sorry about that. I am just saying to everyone on here to be respectful when you comment. I just had to bring it up. Hopefully they will see it and understand how to be respectful.
PART TWO: I feel that we need to know about disagreement, constructive criticism, and bully. Disagreeing doesn't automatically make you a bully. Attacking a person rather than the argument makes you a bully. Please everyone be constructive, meaning that you disagree, but use it to build someone up, not tear someone down. Don't name call, curse, or attack. And if you still cannot agree, just agree to disagree and move on, ok?
Kitty lover, where are they debating or arguing? Not on Final Events SDA. If I allowed it, this platform would become a war zone.
PART ONE: Don't attack. "You believe this...", "Are you Catholics or Protestants...", "You don't know your Bible..." I see these sayings around here, and they don't strengthen your argument. They are just ad hominens just used to belittle the person. We are here to lift up Christ and the truth, not tear down each other. Instead of attacking the person argument, use evidence from Scripture: "The Bible says..." Quote Scripture, then state your claim. We want the truth to be spoken. "Speaking the truth in love." You don't have to and you shouldn't dumb down your point. However, just speak the truth in love.
Guys, I feel like I really have to say this. So much problems are coming from both sides. I have to tell you this. Please debate respectfully.
How is everyone doing on your memorization? Well I hope! I have 14 more verses to do and then I will be done for the day. Some will be from Ezekiel 18 and Psalm 22. What are you working on?
Ooh that can be painful. Swish your mouth with some warm to hot salt water and spit it out. If you have powdered charcoal, stir it into cold water and do the same as the salt. Those measures can help reduce the inflammation and reduce the pain. I will pray that God will be with you through this transition.
Please pray for my mouth, I have a wisdom tooth coming and it hurts!
Everyone, the word of God is so interesting, and I find that there are many worthwhile things to learn to help us grow in Christ. God wants to make us better people, more well-rounded. I am so thankful for the changes I see God doing in my heart. He is so faithful! I have reviewed almost all of my memory verses for the day. So I only have 8 more verses to go. I do not do 100+ like some of you do per day. Kudos to those of you who do! How is your progress going? I want to advise those who are aiming for high numbers to be careful not to make your expectations for yourself too broad. You do not want to become discouraged because you take on too much. This activity needs to remain fun and not become a chore. Control it, and do not be tempted to let it control you. God bless!
Yeah! I learned that part from a song by the Harrow family! it's called "His Compassions fail not"
I love this Bible chapter. Lamentations 3:22-26 KJV - It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him. The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.
Some favorite review verses this morning: Romans 8:26-28 KJV Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
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