Hi everyone! Please join my group called Truth Be Told!!!😊😉👍
A monthly review will be more than enough to keep this book in your heart. God bless all active users and let's pray those who left will comeback with double zeal.
I memorized the entire book but didn't practice it consistently once I finished so I've forgotten quite a bit. I'm going to do a refresher. CornerstoneJacksonville has a fantastic message series on Ephesians!
I’m starting a Bible study on Ephesians with a group of ladies on Monday so it’s a perfect time to start memorizing Ephesians!
Hi Sushmitha Grace. I would definitely encourage you to read the entire book through as part of your strategy for memorizing it. It is hard to memorize something you don't see a need for. The first two chapters tell us all the great and awesome things God has done for us. When we understand and believe what he has done for us, it changes how we relate to other people. For instance Chap 4:25-26. "Be angry and do not sin." I believe that means be honest about your feelings. We are members one of another. We are meant to build each other up in being more Christ like. We are sinners living amongst other sinners. We will get hurt by others and we will hurt others, but if we learn to be quick to repent and quick to forgive then we can live with more joy and peace and worship God more intimately because he is working in our hearts. The book starts with "Grace and peace be to You" and after reading it and believing it Paul ends the book with saying Grace be with you. I take that to mean that what he has written is a letter about how to have grace and peace and when we believe it and live our lives according to it we will have peace and grace with us.
Hi Sushmitha Grace. Are you Indian? Nice to know that you are memorizing Ephesians. It's a wonderful book and I bet you you will surely complete it in few months and you will fall back too. Memorizing scriptures is easy but to be consistent is very hard. the devil is always after them who memorize scriptures. Now coming to be it's been more than a decade I started memorizing scriptures and I had my ups and downs. Now regarding blessings, I always vouch that my health, finances, favours are all because of memorizing scriptures. Many have given up after memorizing scriptures but let the thirst always remain in you. Once again welcome to the supernatural world of memorizing scriptures and you have taken the best decision in your life.
Hi. Today I have started my first online memorising verses. Hope I will complete this. I would like to know the testimonies that guys went through after memorising ephesians.It will encourage me to read this chapter. Thanks in advance.
I did Ephesians 4 everyday for 100 days and Eph 5 for 70 days and Chap 6 for 48 days. Now I have burned out of steam and took the month off. Just starting slowly again.
I'm also working on Ps 119!
I think maybe we should memorize John next???
Hi everyone! I've been memorizing a little each day! I love sing the KJV! Thank you everyone for your encouragement!
Houston74 Thank you very much...:3
Manoj I like the expression in your voice when reciting psalm 6. well done.
I'm aiming John, Revelations, Acts of the apostles, Psalms including the giant Psalm 119. By God's grace, I'm trying to keep a record of all memorized scriptures using bible memory app. You can watch all the proof of my recitals here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7jYAjoElN375RKRHybQqXw
I’m tackling Hebrews next!
After memorizing Ephesians, what is the next book that you want to memorize?
Jeralee, there’s a website called sing the KJV and it is literally word for word scripture songs! it’s amazing, I’ve memorized Ephesians 1-4 and 6:10-18 in one month by listening to these songs on repeat and practicing every day. I hope you find it helpful!
How are you doing Jeralee? Hope your not discouraged. I started with just a few verses and did them everyday for a long time and slowly added more. over time my memory muscle got stronger. I only add new verses once in awhile with lots of review. Which is your favorite verse in Ephesians and why?
Hi everyone, I found a web sight that you can make flash cards and then puts them into a games for you. Here's the link to try my matching game. See if you can beat me. It's called Ephesians matching phrases. https://quizlet.com/768807511/match
Hi Jeralee! I'm happy to hear that you're memorizing Ephesians. It's a great book, and not too difficult to memorize once you get started. Chapter 1 can be a bit tricky, but after that, chapters 2 and 3 are breeze. Chapters 4 and 5 are a bit tougher, but the last chapter is easy again. I've been using an app called Bible Memory to memorize, and it's helped a lot. I like to use touch typing to help my mind and fingers work together when I'm memorizing.
If you're interested, I suggest waking up early in the morning to memorize atleast 5 verses a day, and then reviewing them in the evening. I'm currently memorizing Revelation, but when I start on John in about six months, maybe we can work together. Albert is also with us, and he's almost finished memorizing Revelation. If you're interested, I have a YouTube channel where I share some of my memorization sessions. It's https://www.youtube.com/@manojshenoy2891.
So I have been working on memerizing Eph for the new year! I am loving it! Eph is my favorite book of the Bible! Starting with my favorites and then filling in from there. I'm using KJV as that is what I grew up with. I love finding songs that people have done to help memerize. There are quite a few on youtube but hard to find in KJV. If yall have any sugestions please let me know. I really like this communtiy. I wouldn't mind expanding it from here and maybe start some kind of club? My next book is going to be John the either Isaiah or Revelation. God Bless yall!!! BTW I live in Ariozna
Is there anyway to reply back to someone on here? Thank Y'all for your help!
I started by memorizing my favorite parts then filled in the blanks. Now i'm trying to master chap 1,2,3 every day for a hundred days. I've done it for 25 days already. How fast the time goes.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! 🙏
I am blessed in that God has given me both the time as well as the desire to memorize scripture which in turn gives me more blessings. I use a lot of strategies to help with my memorizing. I use scripturememory.com to first learn a passage and then I use biblememory.com to reinforce it and to review.
Hey, Houston! Thanks for the suggestion. I will have to check it out and see what Pastor Piper says.
I've really enjoyed watching John Pipers LOOK AT THE BOOK at desiring God.org. He shows the connection between ideas. It really helps me in memorizing. They are short clips about 10 min. long. He sometimes does 3 or more sessions on the same few verses.
I have locked review for 1 month. It's good to review the queen of epistles once in a month atleast..
I love praying through these verses as I work through them. what a blessing this Bible memory has been in quiet times
Gigi - I don't use flash cards, but I just looked at it. It seems weird to me so I can't offer much help, but I did notice that it progresses through the entire section according to how you have them separated. You need to swipe up. Sorry I couldn't help.
Thanks bro Albert, you are really my inspiration here. Wasted 8 years and hope it won't repeat again.
great to have you back, Manoj, and thanks for the challenge! I may never be the top person here, but it is such a wonderful book, Ephesians is, and I love any inspiration to get to know it better. I am getting to know my God better!!
Guys I'm back....after a very long period. I want all of you to have a healthy competition here. Even after 8 long years of break, I'm still on top. Would like every one to pull up your socks.
Sorry Gigi, I just use my laptop and don't have the flashcard option. So I can't help you, hopefully someone who knows will read your message and answer you.
Is this group active in 2022?
hi I have just started using this app. I can’t get the flashcard feature to work to review verses I have already learnt, or to review a selected range of verses, I just gives the chapter and verse and the option to select I got it without showing the flashcard. What am I doing wrong?
Good morning God's family,
Is there anyone who just started memorizing Ephesians? I'd like to memorize the book and to find someone to do this together. Perhaps, we can do a zoom meeting once a wk or message to check on each other. Please email me at youngokcho@verizon.net. thanks- Grace
@John k
It gives you the option when you click the chapter to download it.
Good morning, family! I’m so excited to find this app and have a bunch of others memorizing the same book with me! I’m only 4 verses in but my goal is the whole book.
hi, my name is john and I just joined this group, how can I select a different version of the Bible to memorize?
Hi, Tara, Bill W, and db, lets see if we can beat Tami before Jan 28, 2021.
Hey Hillary Ann you made a big jump! I'm going to have to work harder to catch up.
hi, please join my group called help in difficult times
Hi, I just joined the group, starting chapter 1. I'd like to challenge Hillary Anne. See if you can keep ahead of me.
hello everyone, I just recently joined on the journey to memories this whole book starting with Ephesians :)
God speaks to me something every time I go through this book, what a blessing, ThankYou Jesus. God bless everyone here learning this book!
Finally nailed down Ephesians 1!
Hi I’ve just joined the group.would live to know how others are getting on
morning, i just joined 😍i pray to memorize the whole book
it really is a great book! it grows on you as you memorize it, pray it, obeying the One who truly inspired it!
just joined, got verses 1-2 eager to press on. Ephesians is such a great book!
I am starting to memorize Ephesians. I am very excited. I just spoke all of chapter 1 into scripture typed. I am hopeful that this group will be more active.
hi Prem, I love this group, Ephesians is very helpful. Hope you enjoy, Albert
could you guys join group JesuSaves and dogs for Jesus? Group JesuSaves is known for Bible trivias. So if you like those you should join! It is a group for God. And both groups are clean of bad words. Group Dogs for Jesus is known for bravery and kindness. The group has been deleted by someone mean, but it just made another one. My brother was so sad because that was his group, and it had about 2,000 group verses current. So if you could join Dogs for Jesus we could make the group great again. If you say "Hi, I joined." then I will almost guarantee you will be welcomed. So If you are looking for a kind, welcoming, active group please join either one. PWEEZE😇 I want to make my brother happy.
Hi Charmaine, welcome to the group. Start with Chapter 1, verse 1. I set my review to daily with the frequency locked in place and when I have learned the verse, I unclick the padlock and let the review frequency advance until it is at 2 weeks. Once I have learned the first verse, I add the next verse in the same manner.
Hope that makes sense. Happy memorizing.
Hi I'm Charmaine just joined the group. Can someone tell me how to get started memorizing this book
I can’t select the original KJV?
Hi Jennifer. I would like more info about your group
hello from Ireland. I just started a group called Friendship with God. You are welcome to take a look and join.
Please join MemorizeGod'sWordTogether, it is a very encouraging and active group. Thanks for the consideration!
@GodIsWithYou Bro This group is very living and active and the Queen of Epistles is a jewel and let this jewel remain alone shining the hearts of God's children. I hope there are groups for the whole bible and let people come here to memorize only Ephesians. Thanking God for this wonderful group.
For some reason in the past, I could not download my preferred version but now I can.
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
Thank you for the warm welcome @ Albert and @ Manoj! =)
@ Sumki. Hope we all be an encouragement to you. And I assure that very soon you will be joining us on the top. The Queen of Epistles is a gem to memorize.
keep going, Sumki,it's a lot of fun!!!
Greetings everyone! I'm new to the group and so excited to join you in memorizing Ephesians!
@ Kimbery Great Going. Please do review your verses every day and it won't be too late when you join us in the ranking list.
Ms. Nettie would be glad if you can memorize the whole Ephesians and join us in the rank list :)
Blessings! I have been in a Revelation Bible Study for the last 3 years, one of our Elders has been studying Revelation for 27 years - and in this study it has so be impressed upon us to memorize Ephesians specifically chapter 2 & 6 - so that will be the goal - I look forward to see what Abba Father will do next!
I'm new to this group, o far I have memorized chapter 1 and 2, and will begin working at ch 3, now that I have 2 down, but still need some prompting with the last 4 verses.
Go for it Matt, it is very rewarding to memorize Ephesians!
Hi Matt Great you joined us. You just need to memorize the whole books of Ephesians. Click on memory verses tab and select the chapters to memorize one by one are randomly as you prefer. As you memorize the whole Ephesians, you'll be joining us in the rank list.
Good morning everyone .i am new here, please can someone explain how to participate in this group
That is incredibly fast Valeria. I'm more in line with Manoj for finishing Ephesians. I think it took me a year to memorize the whole book.
Congrats Valeria for being the fastest person to memorize Ephesians. I took me more than 6 months to cement Ephesians in my heart. would also love to know what all you memorize....Thanks again.
I just finished memorizing all yesterday......I started around October 2016, and I didn't quite do much on December because of holidays...so pretty much it took me around 2 months and a half.....taking around 40 min 5 days of a week...but this app has helped a lot!
Where is everyone at with Ephesians? I'm using this app to review Ephesians. I'd like to hear how everyone else is doing with this book. it is one of my favourites.
Watch (Book by Book) on the book of Ephesians. Now streaming on Pure Flix. Special guest Joni Eareckson Tada, hosts Paul Blackham.
Last message for tonight. I've changed all my Collections to say Memorizing... It seems folks don't like my including the version. I've included it in the description. Blessings!
For those of you who would like to review all of your verses at one time, here is the answer that the support dept. from ScriptureTyper gave me when I asked them the same question. It works beautifully! Because of his answer, I have continued to import the verses one at a time. It's much easier for me because it is parsed out automatically. Here's the support guy's suggestion: We recommend creating a collection for each chapter that you memorize. Then when importing, select the entire verse range for the chapter and allow the system to split it into individual verses, as you mentioned. Then, after mastering the first two verses, you will have the option of reviewing the verses combined into a single verse. When reviewing combined verses, you don't have to type the verse reference. We also recommend that you review your sequential (chapter) collections from the My Verses screen, instead of from the review system. This way, you can use the combined verses feature. I usually review my chapters first from "My Verses" and then go to the review screen to review any miscellaneous verses. Hope this helps!
Hi everyone! I am the original author of this particular Ephesians Collection - Memorizing Ephesians. I've never checked the wall before because I really didn't think anyone would be using my collection! I have another collection entitled Memorizing James. All of my newer collections start with NASB. So, NASB - Philippians, NASB - Psalms, NASB - Psalm 119 (my favorite Psalm!), etc. I just include the NASB to keep it separated from everything else. you can, of course, memorize it in your favorite version. I'm so excited to see so many people love the Word as I do. I memorized my collections before ScriptureTyper, so I still don't have everything showing a Mastered yet, but I'm working on it. My goal for this year is the book if Psalms. I'm so excited! God bless you all, and hide His Word in your heart - don't just memorize it!
Ephesians 6 on the camera. Finally recorded all the chapters of Ephesians. Ephesians 6 was the easiest of all to memorize.
Finally cemented Ephesians 5 in my heart. This was the most difficult chapters for me after Chapters 1 and 2. Verses from 1-17 are very confusing and difficult to memorize but verses 20-33 are easy.
It took nearly a 8-10 months to cement Ephesians 5. Thank God for all the wisdom and grace
Finally finished recording Ephesians 4. It was an awesome experience. Ephesians 4 was very easy to memorize (except the 16th verse which is huge and bit complicated) but it was hard to recall. It took atleast six months for me to cement Ephesians 4 in my heart. http://youtu.be/oK5gKcY5Gec
Ephesians 3 on the camera. This time I used scripture type android app as the keyboard sound is bit noisy. The flow was not as better as the keyboard but it was great. We do know that Ephesians 3 is a bit tricky chapter to memorize but easy to remember. Here's the link http://youtu.be/rJ86E_ERuj8
Ephesians 2 on the camera. The most difficult chapter along with Ephesians 1 but they are well rooted and grounded now. http://youtu.be/BmmxDQmULbU
Here's the recording of Ephesians 1. Took me around 30 sittings to cement this chapter in my heart. Presenting recording of Ephesians 1 memorization. Lost the flow as I was aware that recording was on but still didn't forget or had to do a redo http://youtu.be/1zB_EVmSqDk
A good person to listen to is Skip Heitzig, Calvary Albuquerque. He has the whole Bible verse by verse. I listened to the first hour, am going to listen to his teaching on the whole book. You can listen and take notes on the side if you click listen now.
No objections here. I think that we can choose if we want to add those books to our list to memorize or not. I wish we could integrate what we have already memorize if a group admin did decide to add more. For example, if you want to add 1 John 1 then I could just add my verses that I have already memorized on here to that list. I think if we add more books, or maybe if we didn't add more books it would be good to get a discussion going about the book of Ephesians, insights people have gotten from the Lord, things that have striked us or changed our hearts, testimonies of how memorizing this particular book or this particular chapter influenced our lives. What does everyone think? For my own heart, I want it to be more than just checking something off my list, I want to encounter the Lord in it because I am really good at checking things off my list. :)
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