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Nazarene Youth Bible Quizzing

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Welcome all Nazarene Bible teen and kid quizzers!!! [*Last updated January 11, 2024*] Anyone can join if you follow these guidelines (tap here) __________________________________________________________________#1: You must read and follow all the guidelines when you join this group _______________________________________________________#2: Encourage! Help others with uplifting words ________________________________________________________#3: No language or anything against Christ. Anything against Christ and/or mild and bad language will be deleted! _____________________________________________________________ This group contains all of the "Required Memory" verses from the quizzing years 2019-2024. During those years, we studied the Books of Hebrews + 1&2 Peter (2019-2020), Matthew (2020-21), Romans & James (2021-22), and Acts of the Apostles (2022-23). This current quizzing year, we are studying the books of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. (GEPCP). The newest verses added to this group are the Memory Verses from GEPCP. All the verses in this group are in NIV (2011) (the current Nazarene Bible Quizzing version). Anyone can memorize any of these verses as they wish. NIV*****Group last updated January 11, 2024*****. ****If you have any questions or concerns please contact owner of this group Addie Bradley!****

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