This was from the developer.
ATTENTION: I received this yesterday: Some accounts may be cheating to gain additional points. We occasionally track down and remove these accounts. We're also planning an update that will prevent this type of cheating in the future.
did anyone add or remove verse?
Don’t give up! Hide the Word in your heart. Take it with you today.
Good morning. Keep reviewing. If your scriptures show red that means it is time to review it again. Your number/ placement/ status will drop when you have scriptures waiting to be reviewed. The more often you review, the longer it will adjust between review times.
Good morning. Just sending a note to encourage you to keep going. Get back at it. This is food for your spirit and transformation for your soul.
good morning everyone. Thank you for participating. Please note that you can change the version of the scripture to the one that you are most familiar with. When you go into the scripture, you can click the three bars at the top right corner and then select ‘edit verse’ and then choose a different version.
Good morning. Which verse are we studying today?