Uh... hello person who's name is " ".
yess ofc what do u think😂
@MP we're talking abt his story
Mario, I am planning on rewriting the whole beginning so I will have to do that.
okay, not sure what's happening...
@Noah once you are done writing and posting your story here, would you be so kind as to post everything here all over again from the beginning? (assuming you wouldn't mind of course)
(Next Chapter)
Stopping about two blocks in front of you, the outlaw sheaths his weapon and begins to speak. His accent comes in thick and you don’t recall recognising it. “Oi, do us a favor and take this load off our backs will ya?” You don’t know how exactly to respond. “I-I can’t take all that, but there is a cave to the South of here.” Your voice seems to shake more than you would expect. Apparently, this ignorant pirate seems to not notice your fear. The pirate leaves with a final remark. “Bettah than noffin’ I guess.”
You examine the outlaw stash of treasure before their vessels take off. The only thing that catches your attention is a strange looking talisman. Or, something that looks like one. The only way you could describe it is a network of symmetrical tendrils fixated around what looks like a dark, smooth, shiny stone. lumarite. A rare ore found at the bottom of your dimension. If you take and steal this, it could give you more than a month worth of wages. When you turn it over, you see what looks like scratches on the lumarite stone. But upon closer inspection, you notice that these are deliberate markings. What the purpose of this item was, simply escapes you. While the pirates take off, you slip the talisman-like thing into your coat and try not to look suspicious as you walk away.
you mean her only weapon she ever had was the one she had before she went to do Hyper's bidding?
I didn’t realize that was a joke until just now.
brooooo...you better EXPLAIN!!!!
great Noah! does she have a weapon of any kind already?
You continue to wander through the part of town most heavily populated by vendors and merchants, when you see a specific shipment full of miscellaneous valuables being handled by a band of sketchy individuals commanded by a rather finely dressed man. If this was an outlaw band, why would they be here? Of all places, why would they choose to land in a very non-criminally affiliated town? Unless they were under pursuit. Unless they couldn’t afford to be weighed down by unnecessary cargo. Some pirates who weren’t looking for the best deals would typically offload their ill gotten gains wherever they would be accepted. Still, a bad move on their part. Most people here wouldn’t be willing to pay much for any of that, even if they might accept stolen property from criminals. Their redstone aerial crafts were probably landed nearby; they were nearly silent unless you were standing next to it. That made those things ideal for stealth operations like high-stakes heists. Which would be a good way to explain how they acquired all that loot.
One of them notices you. He has a knife. He’s walking towards you. You lost yours when Hyper commissioned you to plant that system virus. Now you want it back. You look around you for the first time in a while and notice you’ve left your family behind. You don’t see anyone you know, or who looks friendly enough to not be a direct threat.
You could get murdered in your own home town tonight.
isn't it annoying that you cant edit posts on here
Whoops I just realized I used the wrong tense, “nothing WAS free” instead of ‘is’
i think the flapping is TLX
(Next Chapter)
You vaguely remember your parents commenting on how beautiful your dress was. You feel like your brothers and sisters were all excited to go to the triannual dimiourgían memorial; yet it all feels like that time blew past in just a few seconds. Due to the small size of the town, it was fairly easy to walk to the other end of the town. This all feels like you’re being swept up into a raining maelstrom of the future against your own will. Something about all this feels artificial. You just wish your family wouldn’t be so distant. But then again, you haven’t been in touch with them too much on a personal level either.
Before you know it, you are there. At the festival. At any other point in your life, this would have been a very big deal, however, you can’t recall looking forward to it or even remember anticipating it after you first had those dreams. No, visions. Dreams were meaningless.
You look around and see the various stalls with delectable snacks, Dímourgian memorabilia, and various pavilions and buildings re-decorated for the event. The delightful smells and aromas coming from foods and perfumes overwhelm your senses and you inhale each breath, trying to enjoy this special gathering of your people more than you are. All the food and drink used to be free. Now, with the economic strain the Uelissan faced from the Overworld nations, especially the Kholmites, nothing was free. It’s a miracle the main currency being used has remained uninflated. Just then, you notice a vendor who is not selling food. These used to be common in past festivals. Now, most people can’t afford anything they sell. But one of the items a vendor is selling catches your eye.
A unity key. A magnetic trinket that was once a staple of trust in this dimension. A set of magnets that connect together in a very specific way and don’t connect to another half of a key from a different set. Some couples would buy them for each other, but now, they are rare. Like almost everything else now that isn’t essential. It’s expensive to make such a niche and symbolic thing, but you want it. A reminder of your home dimension once you leave. It’s not too pricey, but no one else is buying, so you manage to get a reasonably good deal. Each end can be fastened to a tassel or a necklace for convenience.
You slip it into your inventory just as you hear something up in the sky. Flapping? No large bird here makes that kind of sound. You look up above you into the now darkened sky, but nothing meets your gaze. Strange.
just one older brother, Christian
yeah he has an older brother and a older sister as well as a little sister....he has the worst of all worlds except of little brother, bc he is the little brother
I’m sure he’d say the same of you😂
he's a.....well, he is a puzzle
no he ain't hes 2 like Beluga
bro JJ's 9 bro i thought you knew
wait are you 15? cause then I can’t really call you a kid…
LOL dont do drugs kids!!!!!!!!!!
better not be doing without me😉🙏🏼
wel idk..... maybe not....
u were calling Mario the drug addict
Noah was referring to me bc i knew who the Uelissan girl was
Ri = Rian. My little brother
Wait what? When did I swap their names?
lol ur getting matt and mario mixed up Noah
This isn’t about me being lazy or procrastinating anymore
I took a long break from writing, but I was hoping Ri would give me some breathing room to write. Instead, he just doesn’t let me on
I want to write more, but Ri is aaaaaaaallllllllwwwwwwaaaaaayyyyyssssss on my PC and I can’t get him off.
Whoops talking about drugs on bible app
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