little plastic diamonds that you put one by one on a labeled sticky sheet
i wonder where Angel found these?
did you get goosebumps from this group pic?
Poor tomato....he wishes he could dance....
Bob the tomato???? seriously...
what possessed you to put that up🤨😂
..wut do u wanna talk about?
i downloaded them when she still had it as her pfp
are you getting these from Angel?
u like the new group pic?
lol i though i alr gave u it...
its only so if i say something stupid i can delete it...
or Hawkeye Thor Bucky or Wanda
captain marvel is ur fav!! oh no…
lol that's my fav and in my opinion the most powerful
my younger brother just said Ironman 🤨🙁
uh Captain Marvel…she can literally do anything and it sucks
(another controversial subject)
...who is the most powerful superhero in ur opinion?
lol its a contriversial subject
gotta keep the message wall active ig
the problem is all the 12 year old girls in love with him...they cant sup up Xd
but Tom Holland's was fine...
Andrew's spider man was better!!
don't ask me why that is the group pic bc i don't know